Using the guitar scales 22 fret system we automatically take careof the question of "what fingering should I use?"
Most guitarists and guitar method books promote 5 fingeringpatterns called various names e.g., CAGED system, Berklee system,GIT system etc The fingering generally varies from teacherto teacher. The five fingering patterns are good for teachingstudents how to read in a certain position on the guitar.
The guitar scales 22 fret system of 3 notes per string system isan efficient and effective way of covering the entire fingerboardand doesn't lock us into a *pattern* remember I'm NOT thinking ofpatterns I'm only thinking about the NOTES in a particular key.
Our first project using the guitar scales 22 fret system is toplay all the natural notes over the entire fingerboard. Thiswould be the same as playing all the white notes on a piano.
Eventually as we progress through this concept you will designthe best fingering for the particular musical situation.
Guitar Scales 22 fret system - PART 4
1. Play the following notes on the sixth string:
C note played with your first finger,
D note played with either your second or third finger which everis comfortable,
E note played with your fourth finger
2. Play the following notes on the fifth string:
F note played with your first finger,
G note played with either your second or third finger which everis comfortable,
A note played with your fourth finger
3. Play the following notes on the fourth string:
B note played with your first finger,
C note played with your second finger,
D note played with your fourth finger
4. Play the following notes on the third string:
E note played with your first finger,
F note played with your second finger,
G note played with your fourth finger
5. Play the following notes on the second string:
A note played with your first finger,
B note played with your third finger,
C note played with your fourth finger
6. Play the following notes on the first string:
D note played with your first finger,
E note played with either your second or third finger which everis comfortable,
F note played with your fourth finger
Guitar Scales 22 fret system - PART 5
1. Play the following notes on the sixth string:
D note played with your first finger,
E note played with third finger,
F note played with your fourth finger
2. Play the following notes on the fifth string:
G note played with your first finger,
A note played with either your second or third finger which everis comfortable,
B note played with your fourth finger
3. Play the following notes on the fourth string:
C note played with your first finger,
D note played with either your second or third finger which everis comfortable,
E note played with your fourth finger
4. Play the following notes on the third string:
F note played with your first finger,
G note played with either your second or third finger which everis comfortable,
A note played with your fourth finger
5. Play the following notes on the second string:
B note played with your first finger,
C note played with your second finger,
D note played with your fourth finger
6. Play the following notes on the first string:
E note played with your first finger,
F note played with your second,
G note played with your fourth finger
At this stage, the guitar scales 22 fret system will haveunlocked the guitar fingerboard for you from the low F note onthe first fret, sixth string up to the high G note on the firststring, fifteenth fret.
Mike Hayes is a teacher, author, speaker and consultant. Get histips and tested strategies proven to boost your guitar playinghis membership site at today.