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Leaders Who Made Music

Most American people are familiar with the fact the former President Bill Clinton played the saxophone, but there are many others famous leaders who played instruments too, including at least six other United States Presidents.

Patrick Henry and Benjamin Franklin played instruments during their free time off from building a nation. Patrick Henry played the flute and fiddle and Benjamin Franklin played the guitar and violin.

Thomas Jefferson, the third US President, was known for many things including the Declaration of Independence, the Louisiana Purchase, the lazy Susan, and the dumb waiter. He was also known to have played the cello, clavichord, and the violin.

John Quincy Adams, the sixth President, was known for the Monroe Doctrine, but he also was known to play the flute. Chester Alan Arthur, the twenty first US President, played the banjo. Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US President, created the League of Nations and played the violin. Harry Truman and Richard Nixon played the piano. Nixon also played the accordion.

Other famous leaders, Mahatma Gandhi, Sir Edward Heath, Ross Perot, and Condeleeza Rice also played or still play instruments. Mahatma Gandhi, peaceful leader of India's Nationalist movement, played the concertina. Sir Edward Heath, a former British Prime Minister, played the organ and was a conductor. Ross Perot, an independent candidate for US President, plays the accordion. Condeleeza Rice, US Secretary of State, plays the piano. At one time, she was even considering a career as a concert pianist.

Playing an instrument has been scientifically proven to improve focus, discipline, and study habits. It also acts as an outlet for creativity and stress release. There are many social benefits derived from playing an instrument. Being part of a band or orchestra provides camaraderie and teaches how to function as part of a group.

Can playing an instrument guarantee you an elected position? Of course not, but it may put you on the road to a successful career!

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Jesse Fisher enjoys writing articles for Allegro Rainbow- a business created to help people learn how to play musical instruments. I Can Play Guitar helps children learn to play the guitar in a fun and interesting way.
