Nobody wants to learn to play the guitar by taking guitar lessons. If beginning musicians had their choice, they would be able to play the cool rock songs right from the start. But lessons are a necessity if you are not a prodigy.
Lessons help you to learn the fundamentals of music and the mechanics of playing a guitar. There is no question that it is boring to learn a couple notes at a time, but it is necessary in order to learn how to play the great rock songs that you want to play.
Taking guitar lessons is important if you have no music knowledge. It is important to first learn the notes and chords before trying to perfect your actual playing of the instrument. Picking up a guitar and playing it without any lessons is a phenomenon that only happens with prodigies.
If you are not a prodigy, you need lessons. Also, decide what type of music you want to play so you can pick the right teacher that will gear your lessons toward your desired type of music.
Lessons come in a variety of options. You can go the human route, but when you hire someone to teach you, make sure that you have plenty of money. Lessons can be costly. However, a teacher doesn't have to be a retired band member in order to teach you to play, and play well.
Your teacher can be a neighbor, a parent, a friend, or an acquaintance. Just be sure that you hire someone who knows the guitar because they can love it all they want, but unless they can play, they won't be able to teach you anything.
Another resource that is popular now is the Internet. You would be amazed at how many people offer free lessons, tips, and pictorial advice that explains exactly how to play the guitar. All you have to do is buy the instrument, log on, and go to any of the search engines and type in guitar lessons.
Besides, if you go this route, you can tell everyone that you taught yourself to play and they will think you're a musical genius. The library has some good books that will give lessons, sort of, but they are often times from the dark ages and the only songs you will learn are the nursery rhymes that annoyed you as a child.
Sometimes people can be their own best teacher. If your desire is strong enough, you can do anything that you set your mind to. The senses are the greatest things that we have to learn with. Use your ears to listen to a guitar solo and try to mimic it by sound. Watch people with your eyes and memorize the way that their fingers are in position.
Take the time and learn how to read music. The lesson of reading music is invaluable, and it is universal. If you take the time to learn to read music, you will only have to learn the keys for any instrument. If one day you decide to expand your horizons and learn to play the flute, the cello, or the trumpet, the notes will never change, just the musical experience.
Mike Selvon owns a number of niche portal. Please visit our guitar portal for more great tips on learning to play the guitar from guitar lessons.