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Promote Your Concert - 11 Tips for Bigger Crowds

How well attended was your last concert? If you were playing to an empty hall or your band outnumbered the attendees, you need to promote your concert in a big way!

Consider all the advertising avenues available to promote your concert...

On-line promotion sites...

There are many of them on-line. Do a search for "concert promotion" or "event publicity" and you will find several.

Set up your own web site...

If you don't have your own site, set up a Blogger blog. These are free and easy to use, and you have an instant URL to provide to the public. If you've got an additional 9 or 10 bucks, register a domain name and redirect it to the Blogger blog.

Provided detailed directions to the site venue. Include parking information and any traffic snafus that your audience might encounter on the way.

Make a Youtube video...

Youtube is one of the most visited sites on the planet. Even a basic video with info about the concert will work. A sneak peek of the show might pull in more fans, too!

Put up a Myspace page...

Myspace is hot, especially with young people.

Don't forget Squidoo...

Google loves Squidoo.

Issue a press release...

Try this site...

It costs $19, but the big Search Engines (including Google) love it, probably because the charge keeps the junk out.

Radio stations...

A well-placed ad can be heard by more people than you might think, especially during "drive times." Your advertising budget will dictate how much you can spend and which station you can use, but don't be afraid to contact all the stations in your area. They might have some leftover air time you can pick up cheap.


Local cable stations are a bargain. Local network affiliates often feature community bulletin boards.


Local papers often have a section where your event can be listed for free.


These are effective when posted on high-traffic-area bulletin boards, such as you find on college campuses. Avoid placing flyers in places that can get you in trouble, such as on car windshields. Local businesses might put them in their windows for you.

Word of mouth...

If your group has a lot of members, such as a high school band, challenge everyone to invite at least five people. 100 members x 5 invitees = 500 people in your crowd!


Make T-shirts advertising the event.

Get car magnets for your vehicles.

Put a big sign on a parked vehicle in a conspicuous place.

Promote your concert and pull in a huge crowd as well as big ticket receipts!

Cyberflute is a top on-line flute resource. Got a flute-related event coming up? Post it here...
