American Indians are well-known for their sense of tradition. It is hard to keep American Indian traditions alive, especially in today’s society. Despite being difficult to do, a large number of American Indians have done just that. One of the ways that they are able to keep the traditions that their ancestors started alive is through music.
American Indian music is famous for its simple, yet amazing music. Unlike most modern music, American Indian music does not typically comprise of a wide variety of instruments. Many times, music is only performed with a flute and singing. Additional instruments can be used, but the flute is the most common instrument used in American Indian history. If an additional instrument is used it is likely a drum or a whistle.
As previously mentioned, it is difficult for many American Indian families to keep traditions alive and strong today. A large number of Indian tribes have created private schools on their reservations; however, not all American Indian children are able to attend them. Placing children in a private or public school puts them at risk for becoming interested in non-traditional activities that are not approved by American Indians.
To prevent traditions from dying, many American Indians have taken extra steps to ensure that American Indian music continues to live on in the heart and soul of newer generations. One of those steps includes teaching children how to play American Indian music and educating them on the history that surrounds the music they are playing. Many parents are working to teach their young to play and others have urged their children to take American Indian music lessons.
American Indian music lessons are usually offered for free or for a small fee on most Indian reservations. The individual teaching the lessons is usually an older tribal member who is experienced and considered educated in the subject of music. In addition to teaching students to play the flute, drums, or whistle, they teach the history and importance of American Indian music.
In today’s society, a large number of children are more focused on the present than they are the past. This has caused many children to not even know their decent or the history behind their existence. This thinking has many American Indian leaders fearful for their future. That is why American Indian music and other traditions are important to all American Indians.
American Indian music, like most other American Indian traditions, has significance to those who believe in it. American Indian tradition states that Indian chiefs used music as a way to communicate with spiritual leaders. In addition to communicating with supernatural spirits, American Indian music was also believed to heal the ill or bring luck to those that need it. Medicine songs were often sung to tribal members who fell ill.
The purpose behind American Indian music is important in understanding the role that it played in the past and will continue to play in the future. While transitions have been difficult, a large number of American Indians were able keep their beliefs while making the transition into today’s society. With the ability to do so, it is likely that American Indian music and other traditions will continue to shine for years to come.
Edward Charkow is the administrator for American Indian History. For more informationplease visit: